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Writer's pictureTim Laseke

2022-07-14 Lake Denoon Lake District Board Meeting Minutes

Date: July 14, 2022 - 7:00pm

Location: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Meeting Notice Statement

    1. Attending: Tim Laseke, Jeff Jones, Larry Bangs, Kyle Troeger, Bob Stollenwerk, Nancy Long

  2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

  3. Approve 4/27/2022 Meeting Minutes

    1. Jeff made a motion to approve the minutes, Larry seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

  4. Projects

    1. Alum

      1. The two lakes, Cedar and Balsam, that received Alum grant awards this year were both on the “Impaired Waters” list.

      2. WDNR Lake Biologist Heidi Bunk recommends that we have EOR develop a P sampling plan for tributaries to go along with CLMN deep-hole baseline measurements.

      3. Tim Laseke will contact EOR and ask for a quote to develop the tributary sampling plan and to revise and resubmit the Alum grant application this fall.

      4. Tim has contacted the Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene to create an account. The samples are $26 each plus postage. Tim Laseke motioned for a $500 budget to collect samples which was seconded and passed unanimously.

    2. CBCW

      1. Program is operating well.

      2. $1,000 advance received

      3. 125 Inspection Hours logged by two inspectors

      4. Traffic is lighter this year as compared to last year

      5. $2,520 in total expenses including Inspection ($2,400), Training ($70) and Materials ($50)

    3. WAV

      1. Tributaries have not yet been monitored

      2. Larry Bangs suggested that we look into paid collectors. Tim will contact the program coordinators to see if that is permissible and viable.

    4. CLMN

      1. Monitoring has been operational with most satellite days covered for Secchi distance and temperature profiles. The most recent Secchi reading was 12 feet and the 3ft temperature was 80.1 degrees F.

    5. Harvesting

      1. Due to the WDNR having the permit in pending status and vendor scheduling conflicts, it no longer makes sense to mechanically harvest this year. When the permit is approved, it should be good for five years so we’ll be able to schedule May 2023 when CLP is at peak.

      2. Midwest Aquatics has agreed to return our deposit by the end of August.

    6. Fish Stocking - Jeff, Kyle

      1. Tim reported that he had been working with Central Wisconsin Fish Farm (CEFF) which has only the “Mississippi Headwaters” walleye species and that the WDNR has switched (around 2010) to stocking with the “Rock-Fox” species which CWFF does not carry.

      2. Upon recommendation from CWFF, Tim has reached out to the Gollon Bait and Fish Farm in Dodgeville who does carry the Fox-Rock species. We are waiting for a response.

    7. Plant Survey - Motion was passed for $4K being allocated towards a plant survey

  5. Financial Report

    1. Current account balance: $66,390.49

    2. Period Revenue (since 4/27): $48,050

      1. $43,050 in Special Assessment from Waukesha County

      2. $5,000 donation for fish stocking

    3. Period Expenses: $6,788.98 (since 4/27)

      1. $1,951.35 paid to EOR for consulting services

      2. $1,050 paid to Midwest Aquatics as down payment on harvesting

      3. $31.63 paid to Nancy Long as reimbursement for spring social event materials

      4. $936 paid to Coach’s for spring social event

      5. $300 paid to WDNR for harvesting permit

      6. $2,520 paid out for CBCW program activities

    4. The City of Muskego has not yet contributed this year as they have in past years. Jeff Jones to investigate.

  6. Annual Meeting Planning

    1. USPS agenda / budget notification news to be delivered at least 14 days prior to the 8/29/22 meeting.

    2. $350 Special Assessment was discussed and the consensus is to keep this amount for the 2022 tax year. This will be incorporated into the 2023 budget which will be presented and voted at the next board meeting.

    3. Annual Meeting Planning Committee - Tim asked that Nancy and Jeff meet to prepare the budget, agenda, and member email list prior to the 7/28/22 board meeting.

  7. New Business

    1. APM

      1. NR107 goes for WDNR adoption on 8/10/22 and then to the Legislator sometime in 2023

      2. If passed, will go into effect 1/1/2024

      3. Requires plant survey unless treatment is part of a ‘grandfathered’ management plan

    2. Social Event

      1. Since the spring event was so successful, an identical fall event was discussed and all agreed this would be a good thing to do.

      2. Bob Stollenwerk expressed willingness to plan an outdoor winter event.

      3. Tim suggested that a social committee be established to plan events and make recommendations to the board.

    3. Member Survey

      1. Google Form to be used: Draft Link

      2. Commissioners will contribute to survey items

    4. Racine County Ascent System Training

      1. Tim emailed requesting training and an account for Nancy.

      2. Next step is to find a sponsor at the Town of Norway to request training and an account for Nancy

    5. Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for 7/28/22

  8. Adjourned at 8:20pm

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