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Writer's pictureTim Laseke

2022-09-21 Lake Denoon Lake District Board Meeting Minutes

When: Sept 21, 2022 - 6:30pm

Where: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Meeting Notice Statement

    1. Commissioners present: Tim Laseke, Jeff Jones, Kyle Troeger, Nancy Long, Larry Bangs and Kevin Kubacki

    2. Commissioners absent: Kathy Schauer

    3. The meeting notice was published in accordance with the WI Open Meeting Law

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

    1. Pledge of allegiance was recited by all present

  3. Approve 7/14/2022 Meeting Minutes

    1. A motion was made by Kevin Kubacki to approve the 7/14/22 minutes. Jeff Jones seconded and approved unanimously.

  4. Financial Report / Budget

    1. Current balance $72,687.35

    2. Period 7/15/22 - 9/20/22

    3. Total period Income = $9,162

      1. $7,412.00 - City of Muskego Contribution

      2. $ 700.00 - Town of Norway, special assessment

      3. $1,050.00 - Harvesting refund, Midwest Aquatics

    4. Total period expenses = $2,865.14

      1. $1,740.00 - CBCW

      2. $ 812.00 - Insurance, Bliss McKnight

      3. $ 235.14 - Annual Meeting Notice, Minuteman Press

      4. $ 78.00 - Water Testing, Total P, WI Lab of Hygiene

  5. Projects

    1. Alum

      1. Tim reported that he has taken 3 sets of tributary water samples and sent them to the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene for analysis. This is pursuant to a recommendation from Heidi Bunk, Lake Biologist for WDNR.

      2. Tim has submitted the preliminary grant application, identical to last year, by the 9/2/22 deadline.

      3. Tim has been in contact with Jay, from the EOR Minneapolis office, for potential assistance in incorporating the sample results and other “soft points” into a revised grant application.

      4. Tim made a motion to approve a budget of up to $2,500 in consultant assistance with the Alum grant resubmittal. This was seconded by Larry Bangs and passed unanimously.

    2. Fish Stocking

      1. The WDNR has confirmed that they will stock the lake with approximately 2,500 large-fingerling walleye. This is about the amount that the LDLD had been seeking to purchase commensurate with the $5K member donation received this year.

      2. The WDNR has therefore, denied our application for stocking walleye in 2022 and advises that we reserve funds for a stocking in 2023.

      3. Kyle has not heard back from Bob Kargl regarding his approval to wait until next year to use his donation to stock fish.

      4. Larry Bangs made a motion to postpone any decision regarding the donated funds until we hear back from Bob Kargl. All approved.

    3. Starry Stonewort

      1. Nancy published the special newsletter detailing the timeline, history and planned action to deal with the new finding of SSW in Lake Denoon.

      2. The WDRN has officially recommended that we take no action other than to monitor our patch of SSW. They may be able to assist with the monitoring effort. Details TBD.

      3. If actions like DASH are needed, a revised budget will need to be presented at a special meeting with class 1 notice.

      4. Commercial boats

        1. Nancy Long reported having a recent interaction with a commercial pier services provider. She found out that the other operators had been on another lake recently and only rinsed the boat with water. The 2 people on the barge did not seem to be aware of or how to follow the DNR decontamination guidelines.

        2. Tim suggested that we can canvas the members about which services they use and the board can attempt to contact each company to remind them of WI law regarding AIS management and proper decontamination.

        3. Tim discussed the location of the SSW plants and stated it was about 5 feet from the end of a pier. At this time, the homeowners have not been contacted directly to inform them of the SSW location. All agreed they should be contacted.

        4. Nancy asked if the LDLD can mark the location with bouys to prevent boaters from spreading SSW by fragmentation. Can the LDLD purchase a “lake weed mat”, such as “Lake Bottom Blanket”, and cover the infected area to prevent future growth? Lake Bottom Blankets start at around $150 for a 10’ x 20’ mat. Rebar is used to hold the mat down. What chemicals are most effective against SSW?

        5. Tim agreed to contact Brian Suffern and the DNR to get the exact coordinates, ask about marking the area, effective chemicals and use of weed mats.

        6. Nancy reported that there are 20 jet ski lifts and 65 speed boat/pontoon lifts on the lake. Is this an opportunity for the LDLD to partner with vendors to decontaminate their trailers and barges?

        7. Tim asked Nancy to chair a committee on SSW. Nancy agreed. Tim and Kevin agreed to be members.

        8. Nancy agreed to create a draft survey regarding the use of vendors to put in/take out boats and boat lifts.

        9. Tim made a motion to approve a budget of $500 for the SSW committee. Seconded by Kevin and approved by all.

  6. Annual Special Assessment Prep

    1. Tim requested that a committee of Jeff Jones, Tim Laseke, and Nancy Long meet to prepare the assessment roles for the counties of Racine and Waukesha for presentation at the next board meeting.

  7. Social Event

    1. Tuesday, November 15 was selected for a fall social event at Coach’s on the Lake. The event will be the same as the spring event with pizza’s, salad and breadsticks provided by the LDLD. Cash bar starting at 5 PM with buffet dinner starting at 6. Ending at 9 PM. Nancy will contact Traci, bar manager, and make the arrangements.

  8. New Business

    1. Kevin Kuback requested (by email) that we consider adding information in the Hart Drive kiosk that was recently installed. Some options include:

      1. A poster of instruction on AIS prevention or something similar from the CBCW program;

      2. A poster of notice highlighting best practices and applicable law regarding commercial boat hygiene.

      3. No-Wake restrictions from sunset - 8:00am,

      4. Tim will reach out to Jeff Freitag, ex-Hart Dr president, to include them in the discussion on how best to use the kiosk.

    2. Spillway - Kyle learned the height is currently regulated at 92.6ft above sea level. Kyle recommended we contract a surveyor to measure the current board/dam height. Kyle will get a quote for this work. Once we know what the current height is, we can either follow the permit process to raise it or communicate to the LDLD members that the height is correct.

    3. Member Survey

      1. Because of the urgent need to survey members soon regarding the use of vendors to put it/takeout boats and boat lifts, the board will not survey members regarding LDLD activities and members preferences until January 2023.

  9. Adjourn

    1. Kevin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 PM. Tim seconded and all approved.

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