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2023-01-25 Lake Denoon Lake District Board Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Nancy LongNancy Long

When: January 25, 2023 5:00pm

Where: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Meeting Notice Statement

    1. Commissioners present: Tim Laseke, Nancy Long, KyleTroeger, Larry Bangs, Jeff Jones, Kevin Kubacki, Kathy Schauer

    2. The meeting notice was posted at Muskego City Hall, the library, and police station in satisfaction of WI Open Meeting law.

  2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.

  3. Approve 11/2/2022 Meeting Minutes

    1. Tim called for a motion to approve the minutes. Kevin made a motion, Jeff seconded and all approved.

  4. Financial Report / Budget

    1. Period: 11/3/22 - 1/25/23

    2. Previous Balance: $68,459.35

    3. Current Balance: $73,748.23

    4. Period Income: $6,464

      1. $4,200 Town of Norway

      2. $2,264 WDNR CBCW Reimbursement

    5. Period Expenses:$1,175.12

      1. $77.07 Nancy Long (fall social expenses)

      2. $1,020.05 Coaches (fall social expense)

      3. $78.00 State Lab Water Sample Testing

  5. Projects

    1. CBCW

      1. The grant application for 2023 was submitted by the deadline. We applied for both boat launches.

      2. Tim requested assistance to run this program.

      3. Tim will prepare the materials for advertising the positions.

    2. Alum

      1. The revised grant application was submitted by the 11/15/22 deadline.

      2. The WDNR has informed us that the financial / administrative review was completed on 11/30/22 with no outstanding issues.

      3. We understand that the review process is underway and should be completed within the next few weeks. We should be informed either way by the end of February.

    3. Starry Stonewort

      1. Committee Report

        1. Dates & AIS Grant Activities:

          1. Nov 14, 2022: Conference call with WDNR to answer questions and discuss options that would go into the “Letter of Intent” and AIS Rapid Response Grant application.

          2. Jan 8, 2023: Letter of Intent, with 9 potential activities, was sent to Patrick Siwula, WDNR, via email.

          3. Jan 9, 2023: Response from Patrick indicating the draft grant application was needed by Friday, Jan 13 in order to get funds in 2023.

          4. Jan 12, 2023: Draft grant application was sent to Patrick Siwula, WDNR, via email.

          5. Jan 13, 2023: Response from Patrick indicating $15,375 has been reserved for the LDLD. This is the state’s 75% share of the costs. LDLD’s 25% share is $5,125.

      2. SSW Plan Highlights:

        1. Expand CBCW to both boat launches, Hart Dr. & Denoon Park

        2. Hand-pulling of SSW by hired divers

        3. Custom buoy to mark the current SSW location

        4. Place “AIS Removal Station” signs and tools at both boat launches. Need permission from Muskego and Norway.

        5. Placement of “native” plants on the lake bottom cleared by the divers.

        6. Full PI Survey in August 2023

        7. Two “partial” PI surveys in spring/early summer covering the area of the current SSW coordinates.

        8. Education provided by the WDNR at the August membership meeting.

      3. Next Steps:

        1. Need the final PI report from Brian

        2. Approve the “Authorizing Resolution”

          1. A motion was made by Jeff Jones to approve the Authorizing Resolution. Motion seconded by Kyle Troeger and all approved.

        3. Submit finalized grant application by end of March

          1. Schedule “scoping” meeting with DNR

        4. Submit NR109 permit for hand-pulling by divers

        5. Obtain approval from Muskego to post AIS Removal Station in Denoon Park. Kevin will lead this effort.

        6. Obtain approval from the Town of Norway and Lakeview Assoc. to post AIS Removal Station in the Hart Drive boat launch. Nancy will lead this effort.

          1. Lakeview Assoc. has been contacted via email and has given their approval/recommendations for the AIS sign and has requested removal of the kiosk.

          2. Next Town of Norway board meeting is Feb 1.

    4. Spillway

      1. The committee reported that there is not much that can be done with the spillway from an engineering standpoint. There may be blockage along the creek from a beaver’s dam. Will look at the possibility of clearing any impediments to water flow with the assistance from the Hart drive neighbors.

    5. Harvesting

      1. Tim reported that he has been in contact with Heidi Bunk who assures us that the permit will be issued when she has a chance to complete it. Tim has been in contact with Dave Fetzer of Midwest Aquatics who is holding a scheduled spot. Dave suggests that we try to have a peek below the ice to determine CLP growth which is expected to be especially bad this spring due to late ice and the ice transparency with little snow cover.

      2. Resolution for down payment. Tim Laseke made a motion to pay the requested down payment of $1,140.Kubacki seconded and all approved.

    6. August 2022 PI Survey Final Report

      1. Tim reported that he had made contact today with Brian Suffern of Solitude who promised to get the final report and Excel spreadsheet completed and forwarded.

  6. Special Meeting

    1. Meeting needed for dealing with SSW. Propose mid-April. A notification mailer with an agenda will need to be created and sent via USPS.

  7. New Business

    1. Wake/Surf Boats

      1. Kevin Kubacki spoke to the Muskego City Attorney. Consensus needed from the members to limit use of ballast to create large wakes. Question to be included in the member survey.

    2. Preferred vendor for piers, lifts and boats

      1. Discussion was had around vendors using best practices to minimize the transfer of invasive plant species. Checking with Amanda from WDNR to get a list of best practices that can be used.

    3. January 2023 Member Survey

      1. Nancy is drafting the survey for approval and will send out.

    4. Spring Social Event

      1. Discussed a Spring event but no decision made.

    5. Island Volleyball Net

      1. Determined as a non-issue for the Commissioners to deal with.

  8. Adjourn

    1. Adjourned at 6:15 PM

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