The holidays are over and the new year has begun. Some LDLD activities continued well into the fall. Here are the 4th quarter updates from 2024 and a look forward into 2025 from the LDLD Board.
August 2024 Plant Survey Results
The number of plant species sampled by rake (19) was an increase in terms of number as compared to the number sampled in 2023 (17). The number of native species, sampled by rake, increased by one, with the three most abundant species present in 2023-2024 being Chara, Coontail, and Eelgrass. For the five surveys conducted since 2013, the total number of species being sampled has ranged from a low of 13 (2020) to a high of 22 (2022). These include both native and non-native species sampled during the surveys. There are many factors which can impact the diversity of a native plant population over time, including changes in water clarity, fluctuations in water levels and/or abundance of invasive species present.
It should be noted that water elevations had returned to “normal” in 2024, as compared to the 2023 survey, which was conducted under a significantly reduced water elevation.. While this change in water elevation may not have had a direct impact upon the number of native species found, it did result in a greater number of sampling points being accessible by boat—210 points being sampled in 2024 as compared to 168 in 2023.
Starry Stonewort was found at a total of 7 locations in 2024. Most of these were located in the southeast bay, where it had been documented earlier. Two additional locations (north shore east of the Denoon Park boat launch and on the south shore) were found during the 2024 survey. Curly-leaf pondweed was found at a total of 10 locations, including visual observations. Finally, while not sampled directly, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) was observed growing at numerous shoreline locations. The board is looking into options to address Purple Loosestrife in 2025.
A copy of the full final report is available on the LDLD website following the pathway: “Archives > Projects > Plant Surveys > 2024”
Starry Stonewort Project Plan
The DNR recommended Diver Assisted Suction Harvesting (DASH) in a 0.392 acre location near the Hart Drive boat launch and 2 new areas identified by the Full Lake Plant Survey to reduce the biomass and increase native competition. Eco Waterways was selected as the vendor and completed the project in 3 days. According to the DNR, the results are encouraging. In September at Hart Drive grid, the SSW was not present at several points where it was previously present in July (pre-DASH), and the remaining points were almost entirely 1s on the rake indicating the SSW that did remain was very low in biomass.
For 2025, the DNR recommendations for SSW specifically will essentially remain the same – to only conduct management (hand-pulling or DASH) in locations where it is creating a monoculture that is topping out and preventing navigation/recreation (as was done in 2024).
Chemical Weed Treatment
As a result of a dramatic increase in the amount of Eurasian/Hybrid water-milfoil (EWM/HWM) in 2023, the board contracted with Solitude Lake Management in 2024 to conduct a chemical treatment utilizing the herbicide, ProcellaCOR EC (SePRO Corporation). On June 17, 2024 a total of 26.0 acres of water were treated with a total of 640 Prescription Dose Units (PDU’s) of ProcellaCOR EC. The board has budgeted funds for 2025 to do “spot” applications as needed to control EWM.
An interesting note is that the 2024 full lake PI plant survey, completed in August, did not observe any Eurasian watermilfoil after the ProcellaCor treatment in June.
Lake Denoon Fish Stocking
On Friday, October 4, the DNR stocked 1,670 Walleye fingerlings. On Monday, October 7, Gollon Bait and Fish Farm, from Dodgeville Wisconsin, stocked Lake Denoon with 5,500 Black Crappie fingerlings. The fish stocking was made possible through a generous donation from Bob Kargl and Ken & Cindy Jensen with a matching contribution from the lake district. The board intends to coordinate another stocking of Black Crappies in 2025.
Clean Boats Clean Water (CBCW)
The LDLD CBCW watercraft inspection program for 2024 has ended. During the year, 7 boat inspectors spent 421 hours performing boat and trailer checks and educating boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species at the Denoon Park and Hart Drive boat launches. During the summer, our boat inspectors talked with 272 people. There were 201 boats launched and of those boats, 21 boats had been on other lakes in less than 5 days prior. This program is made possible by a 75% matching grant from the WDNR.
The board unanimously approved and submitted a CBCW grant application for 2025 and will be soliciting for paid inspectors in the spring.
Mechanical Harvesting Project
We will continue the mechanical harvesting program of Curly-Leaf Pondweed in early spring to improve lake health. The WI DNR has approved our permit which is valid for 5 years. The board has contracted with Midwest Aquatics for 30 hours of harvesting and transporting to an appropriate location to deposit the harvested CLP. We will include in the contract provisions to address “floaters” that gather along the shoreline. The board will be working with the vendor to schedule harvesting dates in spring 2025.
Free Fishing Weekends
The WDNR has designated January 18 & 19 and June 7 & 8 as “Free Fishing Weekends” in 2025. For more information, visit the Wisconsin DNR website.
2025 LDLD Annual Membership Meeting
Mark your calendars for Monday, August 25 at 6PM. The official announcement, location and agenda will be sent to all LDLD members in August.
Have a question, comment or are interested in volunteering?
Contact the LDLD Board of Commissioners at