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2022-03-16 Lake Denoon Lake District Board Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: kschauer_22kschauer_22

When: March 16, 2022 - 6:00pm

Where: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Meeting Notice Statement

    1. Meeting called to order at 6:02pm. Tim Laseke, Nancy Long, Jeff Jones, Kevin Kubacki, and Kathy Schauer are in attendance. Not present are Kyle Troeger and Keith Hammit. The meeting notice was sent to the City of Muskego for posting the notice in three public sites.

    2. Larry Bangs will replace Keith Hammit as the Waukesha County representative.

  2. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all attendees.

  3. Approve 2/9/22 Board Meeting Minutes Move to adopt Kevin and second by Nancy and all approved.

  4. Projects

    1. Alum

      1. EOR Proposal: External loading (what is coming into the watershed measurement plus cost to resubmit the grant)

      2. Actions: Nancy to Contact Cedar Lake and Balsam Lake Districts; Not moving forward with EOR proposals until we have more data about the results and scoring from the successful lake districts and/or WDNR.

    2. CBCW

      1. We have received a 25% grant advance from the WDNR totaling $1,000.

      2. The board will advertise the program and solicit for inspectors over the next several weeks.

    3. WAV

      1. The board intends to continue this program and is seeking volunteer support.

      2. Several members will be attending the 4/26/22 WAV refresher training.

    4. CLMN

      1. The board intends to continue this monitoring program and is seeking volunteer assistance.

    5. Harvesting

      1. Harvested material is estimated at 50 cubic yards but can vary wildly depending on growth.

      2. Midwest Aquatics is the leading 3rd party to contract with for harvesting. Still need to find a disposal site of the harvested weeds.

      3. Kyle to look into disposal locations.

    6. Fish Stocking

      1. Tim reached out to CW Fish Farms. Nancy contacted Woods and Waters Fish Farm. They are checking on the availability of fish (walleye fingerlings). Looking for a Fall fish stocking and Tim will reach out to Bob Karglto confirm funding.

  5. APM Update

    1. Tim attended a WDNR public hearing on 2/22/22 which was mostly a formality with few substantive public comments.

    2. In dialogue with industry experts, Tim has ascertained that the WDNR is continuing to push the new NR107 toward legislative approval for effect as early as 2023. However, it is likely that they will delay until 2024 in an effort to avoid upsetting management plans made in late 2022.

    3. The WI state legislature has passed legislation which contravenes some of the WDNR intentions but it is expected that the Governor will veto.

    4. The next step in their process is to bring this before the WDNR Resources Board which has not yet been scheduled. It would then move to the legislature.

    5. We need to be prepared for increased fees, annual plant surveys, and treatments restricted to once every three years.

  6. Social Event

    1. Nancy Long has contacted Coach’s and discussed a possible event in late May. Discussions of the exact date and services from Coach’s are ongoing. Target date is Tuesday, May 17th from 5pm to 9pm.

    2. Action: Nancy will nail down the details.

  7. Financial Report

    1. Jeff Jones presented the financial update. Current bank balance is $25,129.47 with 2 deposits totaling $2,750 and no withdrawals. Norway and Waukesha County have paid the LDLD special assessment monies collected. Muskego is still outstanding.

  8. Revised Budget

    1. Tim reviewed budget options as a result of not getting approval for Alum projects variables include plant survey, additional consulting to resubmit the Alum proposal to the State of Wisconsin Department Natural Resources.

  9. Hart Drive Kiosk

    1. The LDLD is able to utilize the kiosk. Information to be posted will be determined.

  10. New Business

    1. Meeting in about the next 4 weeks. Wednesday, April 20th is the target date for the next meeting.

    2. Nancy suggested Kevin should be added to the “List of Aldermanic Liaisons” on the Muskego Common Council agenda.

  11. Adjourn

    1. Adjourned at 7:19pm.

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