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2021-08-11 Lake Denoon Lake District Board Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Tim LasekeTim Laseke

When: August 11, 2021 - 6:00pm

Where: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet


  1. Call to Order / Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. The following commissioners were present: Tim Laseke, Jeff Jones, and Kevin Kubacki. Absent: Keith Hammit and Kathy Schauer. Guests: Kyle Troeger and Nancy Long.

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Approve 2021-03-24 Meeting Minutes: Jeff Jones motioned to approve the March 24, 2021 minutes, Kevin Kubacki seconded and all approved.

  4. Guest Speaker: Joe Pallardy from EOR, Emmons & Olivier Resources Inc., was invited to attend to discuss the EOR’s proposal.

    1. The proposal includes the following services:

      1. Review water quality data and lake mgt plan

      2. Creation of a lake water quality model

      3. Assessment of Alum dosage to produce an Alum dosing map

      4. Grant writing assistance to secure a WDNR Surface Water Lake Protection Grant

    2. Joe provided an overview of EOR. EOR is a water resource-based engineering and environmental consulting firm with over 20 years experience. Joe shared his background, education and experience.

    3. Joe described how EOR worked in collaboration with HAB to successfully complete Alum projects on other lakes in WI and IL.

    4. Joe described the process and timeline to submit the grant application paperwork. The pre-application grant form is due September 2 and the final grant paperwork is due NOvember 2. While the timeline is tight, Joe is confident he can meet the submission deadline.

    5. Various board members asked questions to which Joe responded.

  5. Following the presentation by Joe Pallardy, the board discussed the proposal.

    1. Tim reviewed a proposed 2022 timeline and budget worksheet for the Alum project.

      1. Timeline starts in February 2022 and is a 3 year project.

      2. The quote from HAB is for $200k to create an Alum “blanket” that includes enough ALum to bind all available Phosphorus in the lake.

      3. A second proposal from EOR will be needed for the actual Alum project once the grant is approved by the WDNR.

      4. A second quote from HAB will be needed for the second Alum dose.

    2. Following a discussion by the board, the board voted to approve the EOR proposal. Tim made the motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Kevin. All voted to approve.

  6. Project Updates:

    1. CBCW - Tim provided an overview.

      1. Scheduling at the Denoon Park boat launch has been a challenge.

      2. All data has been submitted into the SWIMS system.

      3. The salary expenses and the status of reimbursements were reviewed.

      4. Overall, this has been a successful first year for the CBCW program on Lake Denoon.

    2. Water Quality Monitoring - Tim provided an update and comparison of Secchi disk readings year-over-year.

      1. For all of 2020, readings were 3 feet at best.

      2. For 2021:

        1. Early June readings were 6 feet.

        2. Mid June readings were 12 feet but dropped to 6 feet as CLP growth increased.

        3. By August, readings bounced back to 11 feet.

  7. Financial Update:

    1. Current bank balance is $45,541.81.

    2. Jeff reported that a payment in the amount of $11,700 was made to HAB and the LDLD insurance payment will be submitted shortly.

    3. 2021 Budget spreadsheet was updated and reviewed.

  8. Annual Meeting:

    1. Tim reviewed and updated the meeting agenda.

    2. Tim reviewed the 2022 budget calculations with/without the Alum project.

    3. The anticipated carryover amount is $27,859.

    4. The proposed budget with the Alum project includes a per unit increase from $220 to $350.

    5. Tim made a motion to approve the agenda and budget. The motion was seconded by Kevin. All voted to approve.

    6. Tim asked Nancy to review and update the LDLD membership mailing list.

    7. Tim will submit the post card information and mailing list to Minuteman Press to print and mail the annual meeting announcements.

  9. Elections:

    1. Tim discussed the recommendation to increase the board from 5 to 7.

    2. This will be presented to the membership at the annual meeting.

    3. Tim will prepare paper ballots for the meeting. Other board members will assist with the vote tally.

  10. New Business:

    1. Newsletter Efficacy:

      1. Two editions of the newsletter have been created and distributed via email this year.

      2. The board overwhelmingly approved to continue the newsletter as an effective communication tool.

    2. Slow-No Wake Time Clarification:

      1. Kevin reported that the city of Muskego approved an ordinance earlier this year to establish the Slow-No Wake time frame from sunset to 08:00AM the following morning on all Muskego lakes.

      2. This was in response to noise complaints.

    3. City Updates: Kevin provided the following updates.

      1. The city has officially withdrawn from MMSD. This will help to free up additional dollars for city projects.

      2. Kevin and Tim had a conversation with Tom Zagar from the city regarding the Denoon Park trees. It was learned that mulch is much better than trees as a barrier to rain water flowing into the lake. The decision was made to leave the area “as is”.

  11. Adjourn: Tim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:09 PM, it was seconded and all approved.

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