Held on Tuesday, Aug 11, 2020 at 6:00 PM
WHERE: Zoom Teleconference
Passcode: 685771
CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL: The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM. The following Commissioners were present: Jeff Jones, Katherine Schauer, Tim Laseke, and Kevin Kubacki. Not attending was Keith Hammit.
PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT: The Meeting Notice was posted at the Muskego Public Library, Police Station and City Hall at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.
PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: All attendees participated in the Pledge of Allegiance to kick off the meeting.
APPROVE 2020-04-22 MEETING MINUTES: A motion was made by Tim Laseke, seconded by Jeff Jones, and passed unanimously to approve the 2020-04-22 meeting minutes.
Balance as of 5-29-2020 $ 30,548.63 3
Additional Income $
Less Total Expense $ 10,580.00
Current Balance as of 8-8-2020 $ 19,968.63
Sonar: The final bump application was conducted in June. The final project item is to conduct a plant survey to assess the health of the lake plant life.
Clean Boats Clean Waters Grant: The board decided to put this program on hold for 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic and there were no further updates at this time. Budgeting in 2021 for grant matching funds required by the State of Wisconsin for the CBCW program.
Future of LDAA: LDAA board met several times to discuss the Association’s scope, viability and identity. As part of the process to determine the future of the Association, members were surveyed to gather their input. The board and its members voted to dissolve the Association.
Currently, there is $11,700 in the LDAA treasury and the Association opted to donate the funds to the LDLD. Tim Laseke motioned to accept the remaining LDAA funds and Kevin Kubacki seconded the motion and the motioned passed unanimously.
The $11,700 LDAA funds will be added to the proposed 2021 budget and up for approval by the LDLD members at the upcoming annual meeting.
The commissioners discussed the possible expansion of LDLD scope with committees to ingest LDAA activities.
Alum Potential Project: Tim reported that he has been researching the potential for Alum Treatment – budget impact, treatment process and effectiveness – as the next best step in managing the weeds/water quality of the lake. Alum helps to manage the high phosphorus level in the lake. Phosphorus contributes to the growth of weeds and algae we don’t want.
Annual Meeting: Due to Covid-19, Tim motioned that the Annual Meeting be held via Zoom. Kevin Kubacki seconded and the motion passed unanimously. A question was raised around the ability to vote on resolutions and on commissioners to fill any new vacancies in a virtual meeting environment versus an in-person meeting. This issue will be researched in time for the Annual Meeting.*
*Follow-up note: Tim consulted with Kathy Aron who gave the advice that the Annual Meeting can be done via teleconference with valid member voting resolutions. However, virtual elections are not permitted. Kevin Kubacki also confirmed these assertions through the city attorney.
The meeting agenda was discussed and the 2021 budget draft. This information needs to be included in a notice sent via USPS to the LDLD members.
NEW BUSINESS: No new business was discussed.
ADJOURN: Tim Laseke motioned to adjourn the meeting and Kevin Kubacki seconded the motion.
Respectfully submitted,
Katherine Schauer, Secretary - Lake Denoon Lake District