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2019-02-18 Lake Denoon Lake District Special Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Tim LasekeTim Laseke

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

When: February 18, 2019 - 6pm

Where: Muskego City Hall Meeting Room 2

Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Tim Laseke at 6:00 PM; the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all who were present.


The following Commissioners were present: Jeff Jones, Katherine Schauer, and Tim Laseke. With at least three Commissioners being present, the quorum requirement was satisfied permitting business transactions.

Not attending: Commissioners Kevin Kubacki, and Keith Hammit.

Others at the meeting were Kathy Aron of Aron & Associates, paid consultant for the District, Mike Corcoran, Joe Blommel, Jeanne Baas, Bennis Young, Jim Michalski, Tony Roslawski, Jim Haut, Joy Hemmer, Calvin Long, Nancy Long, Linda Laseke, Sandy Bueholtz and Thomas Bueholtz all District Members.


As required by Chapter 33 for Special Meetings, notice was delivered by USPO to all district members worded as follows:

Notice of and Agenda for Special Annual Meeting When: Monday, February 18, 2019 Time 6:00 P.M. Where: Muskego City Hall, W182 S8200 Racine Avenue, Muskego, WI 53150

Notice is hereby given to all electors within the district and to all owners of property within the district, that a special meeting of the Lake Denoon Lake District, IN THE COUNTY OF Waukesha, Wisconsin will be held on the 18th day of February 2019, at 6 P.M. at Muskego City Hall for the following purpose:

“To authorize the District Board of Commissioners of the Lake Denoon Lake District to borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($30,000) for the purpose of financing weed abatement program AND, levy upon all the taxable property of the district a direct and irrepealable annual tax for the purpose of paying, and sufficient to pay both the interest on the loan as it becomes due and repay the loan principal within 3 years of making of the loan.”

Approval of Minutes from the 1/21/19 Commissioners Meeting:

A motion was made by Jeff Jones, seconded by Tim Laseke, and passed unanimously to approve the 1/21/18 meeting minutes.

Sonar Project Review

Tim Laseke gave an overview of the weed abatement project and past efforts to address the growth of invasive weed species. We are at a point where a more effective approach is needed to address the weed issue. It was determined through working with our designated lake biologist that Fluridone, an organic compound used as aquatic herbicide, is the best course of action to control Eurasian Water Milfoil.

Open Discussion

A Q&A session followed the project review with discussions about treatment toxicity which is limited, loan terms and repayment with no need to raise additional revenues, treatment guarantees, and vendor selection and track record. No objections were raised.

Reading of the proposed Resolution:

Katherine Schauer, LDLD Secretary, read the proposed resolution in full to authorize the District Board of Commissioners of the Lake Denoon Lake District to borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($30,000) for the purpose of financing weed abatement program AND, levy upon all the taxable property of the district a direct and irrepealable annual tax for the purpose of paying, and sufficient to pay both the interest on the loan as it becomes due and repay the loan principal within 3 years of making of the loan.

Written Ballot:

Written ballots were distributed to all member attendees and the ballots were tabulated. Results: Unanimous with 15 voting ‘yes’ and 0 (zero) ‘no’ votes resulting in passage of the following resolution:

“To authorize the District Board of Commissioners of the Lake Denoon Lake District to borrow the sum of Thirty Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($30,000) for the purpose of financing weed abatement program AND, levy upon all the taxable property of the district a direct and irrepealable annual tax for the purpose of paying, and sufficient to pay both the interest on the loan as it becomes due and repay the loan principal within 3 years of making of the loan.”


Around 7:05pm Tim Laseke motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Jeff Jones and all approved.

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