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Held on Monday December 10, 2018

At City Hall of Muskego, Wisconsin

CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 6:05 PM; the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all who were present.

ROLL CALL: The following Commissioners were present: Jeff Jones, Katherine Schauer, Tim Laseke, and Kevin Kubacki. With at least three Commissioners being present, the quorum requirement was satisfied permitting business transactions.

Not attending: Keith Hammitt.

Others at the meeting were Kathy Aron of Aron & Associates, paid consultant for the District, Tony Roslawski and Dennis Young, both District Members.

STATEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE: Katherine Schauer stated that she has posted the notice and agenda for the meeting at the Police Station, Muskego Public Library, Muskego City Hall, and the website. Additionally, the LDAA’s Kim Ballo distributed the notice to her email list which covers 90% of all District Members. All postings were made prior to 24 hours before the meeting thereby satisfying state requirements for Open Meeting Notice.

Approval of Minutes from the 10/22/18 Commissioners Meeting: A motion was made by Jeff Jones, seconded by Jeff Jones, and passed unanimously to approve the 10/22/18 meeting minutes.

Sonar Whole Lake Treatment Proposals Final Review & Discussion: Kathy Arons gave an review of the Lake & Pond and Marine Biochemist proposals including:

Lake & Ponds labor costs exceed Marine Biochemists by over $5,000;

Marine Biochemists proposal included more residual sampling and at a rate expected to be required by the DNR.

Marine Biochemists will assist with the permitting process for no additional fee while Lakes & Ponds will charge $350.

Lake & Ponds submitted an supplemental quote using all granular Sonar1 material at an increase of $1,400.

Both proposals define the post-thermocline epilimnion at about the same volume.

Both proposals include two supplemental ‘bump’ treatments at 2 parts per billion.

Both providers have specified that their applied price per pound of Sonar1 material is $47.

Sonar Whole Lake Treatment Vendor Selection: As the Marine Biochemists proposal was determined to be less expensive, Kevin Kubacki made a motion to select Marine Biochemists, which Katherine Schauer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Sonar Whole Lake Treatment Plan: Treasure, Jeff Jones stated that he will begin the loan application process with the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands. Tim Laseke stated that he will work with Kathy Arons and the selected Sonar project vendor on the DRN permit application.

New Business:

Tim Laseke asked about the status and intentions of the Lake Denoon Advancement Association. Kevin Kubacki suggested that we invite key individuals from the Association to the next District Commissioners meeting to discuss the Association as a going concern.

Tim Laseke stated that 2 of 14 Association Directors had responded to the request to review the website. Without further review interest, Tim will ask Kim Ballo to distribute an email to introduce the website to the general membership.

Tim Laseke offered to prepare a cost list of material and services which will enable the District to begin chemical monitoring of the lake and its tributaries. At the recommendation of consultant, Kathy Arons and Lake Biologist,Heidi Bunk, the District should pursue monitoring dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, and chlorophyll -a.

Next Meeting Date: The next meeting of District Commissioners is scheduled for January 14th, 2019.

Adjourn: A motion to conclude the meeting was passed at approximately 7:20pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Katherine Schauer

Secretary - Lake Denoon Lake District

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