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Quarterly Newsletter Vol 2 2021

Here are the 2nd quarter updates and a few safety reminders from the LDLD Board of Commissioners. Enjoy the summer and safe boating everyone!

Boating Safety

Now that summer has arrived on Lake Denoon, the boat traffic and recreational activities have increased. Safety is a top priority for both lake residents and our guests. Please be courteous and respectful to fellow lake users. Remind your guests that this peaceful family lake practices safe boating. As a community, we expect common decency and respectful behaviors from everyone for the benefit of all.

Now is a good time to refresh yourself, and inform family and friends, of the City of Muskego and WI DNR Boating Laws and Requirements including but not limited to:

  • Keep all types of glass containers out of your boat and away from the lake

  • When skiing or tubing, travel in a counterclockwise direction

  • If born after January 1, 1989, the completion of a boater’s safety course is required to operate any motorized boat including wave-runners.

  • Slow-no-wake speed requirements:

    • Within 150 feet of any dock, pier, or buoyed restricted area

    • From sunset until 8:00a.m. the following morning

  • Specific for Personal Watercraft:

    • Slow-no-wake speed within 100 feet of a pier, raft or another watercraft

    • May not be operated between sunset and sunrise

Weed Control

While Eurasian Water Milfoil(EWM) appears to be under control, Curly-Leaf Pondweed(CLP) has certainly taken its place as the prominent non-native, invasive submersed aquatic plant. By mid-July, CLP usually die, and dying plants can accumulate on shorelines. Brian Suffern, from Marine Biochemists, was contacted and does not recommend doing spot treatments for CLP as the permit process and treatment scheduling would coincide with the natural dying process. As CLP dies, Phosphorus will be returned to the lake. Watch for an increase in algae in the July- August timeframe.

Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW)

The LDLD CBCW watercraft inspection program started at the Denoon Park boat launch on Friday, May 28. Two “inspectors” have been hired, completed their training and are scheduled to cover weekends throughout the summer. Boat inspectors perform boat and trailer checks, hand out informational brochures and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Data is collected and entered into the DNR statewide database. This program is made possible by a 75% matching grant from the WDNR.

Alum Project Study 2021

On Saturday, June 12, Tad Barrow of HAB Aquatics was on Lake Denoon to take core samples for the Phosphorus dosing survey. The LDLD Board of Commissioners is continuing to search for a grant writer to help submit the required paperwork for this project. The goal is to start the Alum project in 2023.

WI DNR APM Rule Changes

The Aquatic Plant Management (APM) Program is undergoing rule revisions for both NR 107 and NR 109, related to chemical and mechanical/manual management of aquatic plants, respectively. These chapters establish the process, procedures and requirements for the management and control of aquatic plants. The goal of the APM program is to move toward widespread planning and monitoring efforts that will decrease the amount of information required on an annual basis for permit decisions. The LDLD must comply with these rules in order to treat and control aquatic plants including non-native, invasive aquatic plants such as EWM and CLP. Rule changes currently being proposed would require an approved 5-year APM plan and a point-intercept (PI) survey one year prior and one year post any large scale (>10 acres or >10% of the littoral zone) herbicide treatment.

LDLD Annual Membership Meeting

Mark your calendars for 6PM, Monday, August 30. The official announcement, location and agenda will be sent via USPS to all LDLD members in August.

Have a question, comment or are interested in volunteering?

Contact the LDLD Board of Commissioners at

For more information on these and other LDLD topics, visit website. Register on the Members page to get emailed updates on all new posts.

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