Here are the 2nd quarter updates and a few safety reminders from the LDLD Board of Commissioners. Enjoy the summer and safe boating everyone!
Boating Safety
Safety is a top priority for both lake residents and our guests. Please be courteous and respectful to fellow lake users. Remind your guests that this peaceful family lake practices safe boating. As a community, we expect respectful behaviors from everyone for the benefit of all. Now is a good time to refresh yourself, and inform family and friends, of the City of Muskego and WI DNR Boating Laws and Requirements including but not limited to:
When skiing or tubing, travel in a counterclockwise direction
If born after January 1, 1989, the completion of a boater’s safety course is required to operate any motorized boat including personal watercraft.
Slow-no-wake speed requirements:
Within 150 feet of any dock, pier, or buoyed restricted area
From sunset until 8:00a.m. the following morning
Specific for Personal Watercraft:
Slow-no-wake speed within 100 feet of a pier, raft or another watercraft
May not be operated between sunset and sunrise
Navigation lights, red/green sidelights & a masthead or all-round white light, are required from sunset to sunrise. No other lights, including docking lights, may be used which could be mistaken or interfere with the required lights.
Mechanical Weed Harvesting Project
Curly-Leaf Pondweed(CLP) has taken over as the prominent non-native, invasive submersed aquatic plant in Lake Denoon. Mechanical harvesting has been recommended by the DNR to improve lake health by removing Phosphorus. The LDLD Board has found a disposal site, selected a vendor, and has submitted the required permit application to the WDNR. We are awaiting approval of the permit and can then schedule the harvest with the vendor.
Spring Social Event
The social event held at Coach’s was a huge success! Around 70 LDLD members attended, enjoyed good food and met with old and new friends. Many positive comments were shared including “let’s do this again in the fall!”.
Clean Boats Clean Waters (CBCW)
The LDLD CBCW watercraft inspection program started at the Denoon Park boat launch on Friday, May 27. Inspectors have been hired, completed their training and are scheduled to cover weekends throughout the summer. Boat inspectors perform boat and trailer checks, hand out informational brochures and educate boaters on how to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. Data is collected and entered into the DNR statewide database. This program is made possible by a 75% DNR matching grant.
Requirements for Vendors Hired to Install/Remove Piers and Boat Lifts
When hiring a business or person(s) to install/remove your pier or boat lift, be sure to ask how they comply with the WI DNR decontamination and disinfection regulations prior to making any commitments or signing a contract.
The DNR Manual Code #9183.1 outlines the minimum decontamination and disinfection steps to be taken every time a barge, boat, gear or equipment is moved between any bodies of water or wetland to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.
Decontamination steps include inspection and manual removal of plants, animals and mud. Drain all water from boats, motors, live wells, bilge and transom wells as well as equipment, gear and vehicles. Disposal of plants and animals appropriately to prevent transport to other bodies of water or rerelease where they came from.
Disinfection must follow decontamination and be effective for known invasive species.One of the following must be used:
Store dry for 5 consecutive days after cleaning with soap and water and/or high pressure water
Wash with 212 F (steam) or >140 F water
Apply a 500 ppm Chlorine solution for 10 minute contact time
Apply a 2:100 solution of Virkon Aquatic for 20 minutes contact time
LDLD Annual Membership Meeting
Mark your calendars for Monday, August 29. The official announcement, location and agenda will be sent via USPS to all LDLD members in August.
Have a question, comment or are interested in volunteering?
Contact the LDLD Board of Commissioners at
For more information on these and other LDLD topics, visit website. Register on the Members page to get emailed updates on all new posts.