According to the By-Laws of the Lake Denoon Advancement Association, the association board is to consist of a minimum of 9 board members. As of June 30th, several board members' terms expired, which left us with only 8 board members. As of the association's annual meeting held on July 1, 2019, the slate of board members approved at the meeting were:
Gerry Klamrowski - President, term expires June 30th, 2021
Joy Hemmer - Vice President, term expires June 30th, 2021
Kim Ballo - Treasurer, term expires June 30th, 2020
Geneen Miresse - Secretary, term expires June 30th, 2021
Tim Laseke, term expires June 30th, 2021
Kevin Kubacki, term expires June 30th, 2020
Randy Scheel, term expires June 30th, 2020
Jim Haut, term expires June 30th, 2020
Since the annual meeting, Jim Haut's lake property has sold and he is no longer eligible to be an association board member. Also, Geneen Miresse has resigned as association Secretary, but wishes to remain on the board. The association is required to file an annual report with the State of Wisconsin each year by Sept 30th. Within the annual report, we have to provide a list of board members. Since we no longer have the minimum 9 board members, as stated in the association bylaws, the board is making the following recommendations for your consideration/approval:
Amend the bylaws so the minimum number of board members is 5 rather than 9. We feel a 5 member board is an adequate number of members, since the role of the association has changed since the Lake District has formed. The role of the association is now more of a social role, rather than a business role. The business aspect of the lake is now the responsibility of the Lake District.
Approve Nancy Long's appointment to the board for the remainder of Jim Haut's term. Nancy is heading the newly formed association social committee and has offered to join the board, fulfilling Jim Haut's remaining term.
Accept Geneen Miresse's resignation as Secretary and appoint Nancy Long as Secretary. Nancy has offered to assume the Secretary responsibilities.
If you are in favor of these 3 proposals, there is no need to respond. No response will be assumed as your approval. If you object to these 3 proposals, please state your objection by end of day, Sept 19, 2019 and direct your email to Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter! Kim Ballo Treasurer, LDAA