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Writer's pictureNancy Long

2024-06-12 LDLD Board Meeting Minutes

Approved 7/10/24

When:  June 12, 2024 from 5 to 7 PM

Where: Virtual Meeting via Google Meet

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  1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Meeting Notice Statement

  2. Tim called the meeting to order at 5:00PM.

  3. Roll Call:

  4. Present: Tim Laseke, Jeff Jones, Kevin Kubacki, Kyle Troeger, Nancy Long, and Larry Bangs

  5. Absent: Bob Stollenwerk 

  6. Guests: None

  7. Guests can not make motions or vote on BoC business.

  8. The meeting was properly posted in accordance with the Wisconsin open meeting law requirements on Friday, June 7, 2024.

  9. Pledge of Allegiance

  1. Those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

  1. Approve Meeting Minutes

  2. 2024-05-08 LDLD Board Meeting Minutes

  3. A motion to accept the meeting minutes was made by Kevin and seconded by Kyle. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.

  4. Financial Report / Budget (Tim & Jeff)

  5. Financial Report period: 5/9/24 - 6/12/24

  6. Previous Cash Balance: $33,416.34

  7. Current Cash Balance: $150,029.67

  8. Previous Invest Balance:  $76,495.93

  9. Current Invest Balance:  $0

  10. Total Revenue: $49,824

  11. City of Muskego Contribution - $7,474

  12. Waukesha Special Assessment - $42,350

  13. Tim indicated this amount is $700 short of what we expected.  The sub-committee will investigate.

  14. Total Expenses: $9,706.60

  15. CBCW - $2,080

  16. Spring Social - $1,026.60

  17. Harvesting - $6,400

  18. Harvesting Material Deposit - $200

  19. CD: Jeff closed the CD on June 7, 2024.Preferred Vendor Program (Tim and Larry)

  20. Action Item:  Jeff needs to have his lift repositioned and will discuss the DNR requirements at that time.

  1. Projects

  2. ProcellaCOR Treatment for 2024 (Tim)

  3. Treatment is scheduled for 6/18/24.  WDNR (Heidi Bunk) has approved this date.  

  4. Solitude will handle the notice for the 7-day irrigation restriction.

  5. Final cost is estimated at $45,448.00

  6. Action Item:  Brian was on the lake week of  5/13/24 and provided EWM estimates for dosing calculation.

  7. Completed:  Brian did visit the lake and provided Tim with the EWM dosing estimates.

  8. Action Item:  Plan is to treat with ProcellaCor for EWM in June.  Scheduled for the week of 6/17/24.

  9. Completed:  Treatment is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, 2024

  10. CBCW (Tim)

  11. Both launches have been enabled for inspection

  12. 5 inspectors have successfully completed training with a 6th in process

  13. 250 hours are currently scheduled at Denoon Park and 205 hours at Hart Drive

  14. Total expenses YTD = $2,140.  $2,000 for inspection hours.

  15. Spillway Condition Survey (Larry)

  16. Action Item: Tim offered to use the Racine GIS system to identify the property owners along the path of the spillway.

  17. Completed:   Tim sent an email to the commissioners with this information on May 14.

  18. Action Item: Kyle offered to create the “position paper”

  19. On Hold:  Kyle has completed the rough draft but wants to add pictures to the document.  He also wants to learn the outcome of the “ownership” question that Larry is working on.   Once the draft document is complete, Kyle will send it out to the commissioners for review and comments.

  20. Action Item:  Larry submitted follow-up questions to Andrea, WDNR, and is awaiting a response.

  21. Ownership change from LDAA to LDLD

  22. Who owns the structure under the road?

  23. Request list of engineers.

  24. Update: Larry received a response from Andrea on July 11. He will forward the email to the board and will review the email and send out a summary and recommendations if appropriate.

  25. Starry Stonewort (Nancy)

  26. 2024 Plan of Action:

  27. DNR to repeat the sub PI grid in the area of waypoint 396 twice in 2024. Tentative dates are July 11 and August 22.

  28. The DNR will create a 2nd sub-PI grid in the vicinity of the Hart Drive launch.

  29. The DNR will do a “spot check” in the area around waypoint 265 to check for any SSW spread.

  30. The DNR will do a “spot check” in the Denoon Park boat launch to check for the presence of SSW.

  31. Action Item: Nancy to send an email to Tim with the estimated 2025 cost information. Will wait to see the outcome of the July 11 sub-PI by the DNR.

  32. If the DNR recommends “hand-pulling” of SSW, it will most likely be at the Hart Drive boat launch to prevent further spread from the launching of boats and barges.

  33. Mechanical Harvesting (Tim)

  34. Harvesting was completed over the two-week period 5/23 - 5/31

  35. Total expenses = $7,600 ($7,400 Midwest Aquatics, $200 Tom Griel Farm)

  36. Total material removed = 192 cubic yards

  37. Removed material composition = EWM 90%, CLP 6%, Chara 2%, Pondweed 1%, Others 1%

  38. Vendor noticed disease spots on several species of fish and said he would notify WDNR.

  39. Tim was made aware of another dump site that was used by the vendor.  This site is closer and seems to have unlimited space.  This dump site has not been approved by the DNR.

  40. Action Item: Tim will determine the exact address and formalize this location with Heidi Bunk, DNR.

  41. A discussion took place regarding feedback about Midwest Aquatics. Midwest Aquatics does have the best reputation with Heidi Bunk, DNR.  The decision was made to stay with Midwest Aquatics for this year.

  42. North Tributary & DNR Watershed Grant Options (Tim and Bob)

  43. Action Item: Tim and/or Bob will reach out to Cindy Thoda to learn what previous conversations and commitments she had with the farm owners inquisition. 

  44. No update in May or June - action item will carry-over to the July meeting

  45. Fisheries (Kyle)

  46. Fish Stocking

  47. Action Item:  Kyle will start the permit process once he confirms that Gallo has black crappies available and can provide the necessary permit information.  The time frame is August/September.

  48. Action Item:  Kyle will reach out to Bob Kargl to confirm the amount of money he intends to donate this year.

  49. Completed:   Kyle confirmed with Bob the dollar amount he intends to contribute. 

  50. UW-Stevens Point has no plan to address the appropriate genetic strain of Northerns to stock Lake Denoon.  At this time, the DNR will not stock or issue a permit to us to stock Northerns

  51. Fish Health

  52. While harvesting weeds, Dave noticed disease spots on several species of fish and said he would notify the WDNR.

  53. Kyle contacted Ben, with the WDR.

  54. Ben had not heard from Dave.

  55. Ben indicated the spots were most likely a bacterial infection as a result of storm water runoff.  He was not overly concerned.

  56. If anyone is able to take a picture of any fish with spots, please send them to Kyle.

  1. Purple Loosestrife Options (Nancy)

  2. According to the DNR (Jan 4 conference call) options include:

  3. Cut the tops off and apply a herbicide to the stem.

  4. Spray. Permit required.

  5. Biocontrol via Galerucella calmariensis Beetles (Recommended)

  6. LDAA did this about 20 years ago. This would be a volunteer project.

  7. Requires a permit to do a controlled growth of plants in a kiddie pool and enclose the plants in netting to prevent spread.

  8. “Add” the beetles and allow them to grow

  9. Then reintroduce the beetles to the infected areas of the wetlands.

  10. The beetles live on and eat the plants.  Cuts back the plants but doesn’t really kill the plants.

  11. No one is interested in leading the efforts to raise beetles.

  12. Action Item:  Nancy will check into the permit requirements to spray and what type of herbicide would be used to apply to the tops of the stems.  

  13. Completed: Email sent to Patrick Siwula and Heidi Bunk for additional information on options 1 and 2 on May 14.  Response received from Patrick Siwula and Jeanne Scherer on May 14.  

  14. Permit, NR107, is required but fees are waived

  15. Heidi confirmed on May 28 that we do not need to hire a “certified applicator”.  

  16. 2 possible options from the Aquacide Company catalog:

  17. Aquacide pellets

  18. 2,4D marble size pellets.  Apply pellets to roots

  19. Kills entire plant

  20. Effective in 7-10 days

  21. 10 lbs for $135

  22. Talos Liquid

  23. Glyphosate (recommended by Patrick)

  24. Apply directly to foliage exposed to air

  25. Results in 2-4 days

  26. 6 hr rain-free afterwards

  27. 1 qt for $99, plus Cygnet Plus Liquid 1 qt for $52

  28. Recipe: 1.0-2.0 oz Talos & 0.5 - 1.0 oz Cygnet Plus. add water to make 1 gallon.

  29. Ace Hardware sprayer: 3.0 gal sprayer for $35

  30. Total is about $186 plus tax and shipping.

  31. 3 riparians own wetland property with Purple Loosestrife:

  32. Joseph Sellhausen = already contacted and approves.

  33. Lot Owners of the Waters of Lake Denoon.

  34. Brodel’s Sentinel Oak Access LLC

  35. At this time, the board decided to add this as a project in the 2025 budget.

  36. Action Item:  Nancy to provide a dollar estimate for the 2025 budget.

  37. Preferred Vendor Program (Tim and Larry)

  38. Action Item: Tim indicated he needs to talk with Steve Foglia about his business practices and will do so when Steve puts Tim’s boat lift in this spring.  

  39. Completed: Steve put in Tim’s lift at a time when Tim was not home.

  40. Action Item:  Jeff needs to have his lift repositioned and will discuss the DNR requirements at that time.

  1. 2024 Spring Social Event (Nancy)

  2. 61 members signed off on the contacts list

  3. 3 updates to our Google contracts were made.

  4. 60 name tags were used.

  5. Good turn out and a fun time!   Pizza was very good and there were no issues.

  6. 2024 Q2 LDLD Newsletter Review (Nancy)

  7. 2024 Q2 LDLD Newsletter

  8. The newsletter was reviewed and updates will be made prior to distribution at the end of June just prior to the July 4th holiday.

  9. Action Item:  Kevin will reach out to Mike Kopac, aka “the plumber”, to see if he intends to lead the July 4th boat parade again this year.   If yes, what time will it start?

  10. Completed:  Kevin reported that Mike is out of the country until July 16 and will not be leading the boat parade.  

  11. Action Item:  Nancy will add July 4th boat parade to the Q2 newsletter.

  12. Completed:  The placeholder was removed from the draft Q2 newsletter..

  13. No-Wake Order.

  14. The City of Muskego Police Chief referred our “No Wake” order to the Department of Public Works who determined the no wake order was not needed.

  15. Action Item:  Kevin will reach out to the police chief and explain the reason for the no wake order and the protocol to be followed in the future.

  16. Completed:   Kevin reached out to Chief Westphal via email on Thursday, May 9.   The chief reached out to the DNR for clarification.  Response from the DNR to the chief was forwarded to Kevin on Friday, May 17.

  17. Kevin spoke with the city Attorney asking how Little Muskego Lake issues a Slow No Wake.  

  18. Action Item: We are looking for a policy that the city may have regarding Slow No Wake.  This would eliminate the need for an ordinance and leave it to the discretion of the District.  This may be a better solution. 

  19. Update:  Kevin has not heard back from the city Attorney.

  20. A discussion took place regarding how to measure the height of water at the spillway and determine at what water level should a “No-Wake Order” be made.   Tim made a motion, seconded by Jeff, to approve $50 for Kyle to purchase a ruler for the spillway.  The motion passed in a 5 to 1 vote.

  21. Action Item: Kyle to purchase a ruler and find a suitable location.

  22. New Business

  23. Hart Drive Boat Launch

  24. The Lakeview Association reported that the gate and gate post were badly damaged by the weed harvester.

  25. Tim contacted Dave who stated he removed the gate post to protect it and did replace it before leaving.  Dave denies any gate damage.

  26. CBCW inspector Sofia stated she observed someone launching a pontoon and hit the gate and damaged the AIS sign on the gate.

  27. Action Item:   Tim will follow up with Sofia to gather more information.

  28. Nancy checked out the launch and sent pictures to the board.

  29. The gate post is still functional but not straight and is leaning to the east.

  30. The AIS sign was zip-tied to the gate at the top of the sign.

  31. A discussion took place regarding the relationship between the lake district and the Lakeview Association.  General comments were that we do not have an issue with the placement of a donation box, and agree that while lake district members use the launch, we do not use the pier or picnic area.  We will look into the damaged gate post and make appropriate repairs.

  32. 2024 Plant Survey

  33. Tim indicated that we will need to have another plant survey this August.

  34.  Kyle made a motion, seconded by Nancy, to approve the plant survey expense. The motion was unanimously approved.

  35. Action Item: Tim to contact Brian Suffern to schedule the plant survey.

  36. Monitor Status

  37. Alum (Tim)

  38. Outflow - Water Level Control (Kyle)

  39. Wake/Surf Boats (Nancy)

  40. Denoon Park Boat Launch Improvements by the City of Muskego (Kevin)

  41. Next Meeting & Adjournment:

  42. Next BoC meeting is July 10, 2024 from 5 to 7 PM.  

  43. Note:  BOC meetings will be monthly thru September.

  44. Tim requested another board meeting in July to finalize and approve the 2025 budget and the mailing for the August Annual Members meeting.  The date of Wednesday July 24 was selected.

  45. Any recommendation for 2025 expenses need to be submitted to Tim by the end of June.

  46. Tim made a motion, seconded by Larry, to add a 2nd meeting in July in all future years.  The motion was unanimously approved.

  47. A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Larry and seconded by Nancy. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.

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